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Information on the instructions for Use
The latest instructions for use can be downloaded here for free, or be obtained in paper form through your distributor or Cendres+Métaux customer service. Older versions of instructions for use can be found in the "Archive Instructions for Use".
The European Importer according to the Regulation EU MDR 2017/745 - Art. 13 of medical devices for which Cendres+Métaux acts as legal manufacturer is:
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Les petites Buffeteries
49124 St-Barthélémy d'Anjou
FilenameBusiness AreaProductProduct CategoryDocument typeLanguage
Pekkton® ivory - Documentation scientifique (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- French
Scientific_documentation_Pekkton_it.pdf (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- Italian
Pekkton® ivory - Documentación científica (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
Pekkton® ivory - polimero ad alte prestazioni (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- Italian
Pekkton® ivory - Polímero de alto rendimiento (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- Spanish
Pekkton® ivory - Cas cliniques (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Science/clinical case studies
- French
Pekkton® ivory - Publications (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Science/clinical case studies
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
Pekkton® ivory - Material Data Sheet (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Material data sheets
- English
Pekkton® ivory - Casi clinici (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Science/clinical case studies
- Italian
Pekkton® ivory - Casos clínicos (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Science/clinical case studies
- Spanish
Pekkton® ivory - polymère à hautes performances (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- French
Pekkton® ivory - Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- German
Pekkton® ivory - Clinical cases (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Science/clinical case studies
- English
Pekkton® ivory - Klinische Fälle (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Science/clinical case studies
- German
Pekkton® ivory - Scientific documentation (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- English
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Ukrainian
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- French
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- German
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Pekkton® ivory Milling blank (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- English
Pekkton® ivory - Hochleistungspolymer (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- German
Pekkton® ivory - high performance polymer (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Product information
- English
EU Declaration of Conformity Polymers (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Certificates
- English
Instructions for use CAD/CAM Technology (US-Version) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- English
Instructions for use CAD/CAM Technology (Canada-Version) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Instructions for use
- English
Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance Polymers (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Pekkton® ivory
- High-performance polymers
- Summary of safety and clinical performance
- English
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Ukrainian
ワイヤ (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
レーザ溶接用ワイヤ (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance Anchors (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Anchors
- Summary of safety and clinical performance
- English
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Ukrainian
와이어 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Laserhitsauslangat (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
Langat (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
ヒンジジョイント (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
バー (Dolder®システム、ライダー付き丸形バーおよび Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
バー (Dolder®システム、ライダー付き丸形バーおよびAckermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
레이저 용접 와이어 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Trådar (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
Lasersvetstrådar (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
Lézerhegesztődrótok (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Drótok (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
General Catalogue (sólo en alemàn, francés e inglés) (pdf)
General Catalogue (solo in tedesco, fancese e inglese) (pdf)
歯科用ろう材 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Metaltråde (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Lasersvejsetråde (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Wires (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
Drähte (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
Wires for laser welding (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Fili (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Hilos para soldadura con láser (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Fili per saldatura laser (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Hilos (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Fils pour soudage au laser (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Kirurgisten ja proteettisten tuotteiden uudelleenkäsittely (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Fils (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
Laserschweissdrähte (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
외과 및 보철 제품 처리 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
납착재 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Hammastekniset juotteet (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Oparbejdning af kirurgiske produkter og proteseprodukter (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Aufbereitung chirurgischer und prothetischer Produkte (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- German
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
Odontologiske loddematerialer (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Dentala lod (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Fogászati forraszanyagok (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Reprelucrarea produselor chirurgicale și protetice (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Processamento de produtos cirúrgicos e protéticos (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Portuguese
Reprocessing of surgical and prosthetic products (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- English
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Dental-Lote (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Arabic
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Polish
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- German
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Ricondizionamento di strumenti chirurgici e protesici (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Sebészeti és protetikai termékek előkészítése (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Reprocesamiento de productos quirúrgicos y protésicos (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
힌지 조인트 (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Korean
手術和假牙產品的準備工作 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
アタッチメント (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® チューニングマトリックスおよびSGアタッチメント) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Saldami dentali (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Dental solders (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- English
アタッチメント (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® チューニングマトリックスおよびSGアタッチメント)_ (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Επανεπεξεργασία χειρουργικών και προσθετικών προϊόντων (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Greek
Stag (Dolder®-system, rundstag med löpare och Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
焊丝 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Ukrainian
Brasures dentaires (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
Soldaduras dentales (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® Stain & Glaze (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
Rotkanalankare (Rotex, Rotex RD, Dalbo-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Gyökérhorgony (Rotex / Rotex-RD / Dalbo®-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Rotstift (Rotstift Mooser / Rotstift CM / MP-Post) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
Scharniergelenke (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- German
Retraitement des instruments chirurgicaux et prothétiques (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- French
激光焊丝 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Catalogo completo (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Dolder®
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Pekkton® ivory
- Alloys
- Anchors
- Bars
- Ceramics
- Endodontics
- High-performance polymers
- Implantology
- Laboratory materials
- Slide Attachments
- Product information
- Italian
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- German
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Wurzelanker (Rotex, Rotex RD, Dalbo-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- German
Rodanker (Rotex / Rotex-RD / Dalbo®-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Gyökércsapok (Mooser gyökércsap / CM gyökércsap / MP-csap) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Wurzelstifte (Moose / CM / MP) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- German
Katalog (gesamtes CM Sortiment) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Dolder®
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Pekkton® ivory
- Alloys
- Anchors
- Bars
- Ceramics
- Endodontics
- High-performance polymers
- Implantology
- Laboratory materials
- Slide Attachments
- Product information
- German
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- English
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Italian
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Polish
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- German
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Arabic
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Γίγγλυμοι σύνδεσμοι (Mini-Dalbo® και Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Greek
Cerniere (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Hinged Joints (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- English
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- English
Ancoraggi radicolari (Rotex, Rotex RD, Dalbo-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Root Anchor (Rotex, Rotex RD, Dalbo-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- English
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Croatian
Anclajes radiculares (Rotex, Rotex RD, Dalbo-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Bulgarian
Perni radicolari (Moose / CM / MP) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Root canal posts (Moose / CM / MP) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- English
Dalbo®システム (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Japanese
Charnières (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- French
Bisagras (Mini-Dalbo® y Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Ukrainian
Catalogue (entire CM range) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Dolder®
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Pekkton® ivory
- Alloys
- Anchors
- Bars
- Ceramics
- Endodontics
- High-performance polymers
- Implantology
- Laboratory materials
- Slide Attachments
- Product information
- English
Catalogue (tout l'assortiment) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Dolder®
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Pekkton® ivory
- Alloys
- Anchors
- Bars
- Ceramics
- Endodontics
- High-performance polymers
- Implantology
- Laboratory materials
- Slide Attachments
- Product information
- French
Reprocessing av kirurgiska och protetiska produkter (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
鉸鏈連接 (Mini-Dalbo®, Tecnoroach) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Przygotowanie produktów chirurgicznych i protetycznych do użycia (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Polish
Obnova chirurgických a protetických výrobků (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Czech
Обробка хірургічних і протетичних виробів (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Ukrainian
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Ancrage radiculaire (Rotex, Rotex RD, Dalbo-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- French
Tenons radiculaire (Moose / CM / MP) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- French
Postes radiculares (Moose / CM / MP) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Kiskot (Dolder®-järjestelmä, U:n muotoinen ratsastajakisko ja Ackermann- Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
齿科 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Obrada kirurških i protetskih proizvoda (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Croatian
EU Declaration of Conformity Anchors (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Anchors
- Certificates
- English
Bar (Dolder® sistemi, eyerli ve Ackermann-Bar'lı yuvarlak bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
바 (Dolder® 시스템, 탭 및 Ackermann-Bar가 있는 라운드 바) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Korean
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Förankringar (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS och Mini-Gerber PLUS Ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
Verankerungen (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS und Mini-Gerber PLUS Ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- German
Forankringer (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS og Mini-Gerber PLUS ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Stégek (Dolder® rendszer, kör keresztmetszetű stég lovassal és Ackermann stég) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Třmeny (Systém Dolder®, kulatý třmen s jezdcem a třmenem Ackermann Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Czech
Skinner (Dolder® System, rund skinne med rytter og Ackermann‑bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Stege (Dolder® System, Rundsteg mit Reiter und Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- German
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
어태치먼트 (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® 튜닝 매트릭스 및 SG 어태치먼트) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Korean
어태치먼트 (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® 튜닝 매트릭스 및 SG 어태치먼트) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Soprano® Surface (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Anchors (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS and Mini-Gerber PLUS Ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- English
Dalbo®-järjestelmä (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Finnish
Ancoraggi (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS e Mini-Gerber PLUS Ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Dalbo® süsteemi (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Estonian
Geschiebe (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® Tuning Matrize und SG Geschiebe) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- German
Holdeelement (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® Tuning-matrice og SG-holdeelement) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Barra (Sistema Dolder®, barra rotonda con cavaliere e Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Bars (Dolder® System, round bar with rider and Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- English
Σύνδεσμος ακριβείας (Σύνδεσμος ακριβείας M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, θηλυκό Mini-SG® Tuning και SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Greek
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Arabic
Anclajes (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS y Mini-Gerber PLUS Ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Dalbo® Sistemi (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
Σύνδεσμος ακριβείας (Σύνδεσμος ακριβείας M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, θηλυκό Mini-SG® Tuning και SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Greek
Dalbo®-system (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Swedish
Barres (Système Dolder®, barre ronde avec cavalier et Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- French
Barras (Sistema Dolder®, barra redonda con caballete y Ackermann-Bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Coulisse (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, femmina tuning Mini-SG® e coulisse SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Polish
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- German
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
Systemu Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Polish
Systému Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Czech
Dalbo®-system (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Norwegian
Ancrage (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS et Mini-Gerber PLUS Ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- French
Dalbo®-rendszer (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Hungarian
Dalbo®-System (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- German
Dalbo®-system (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Coulisse (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, femmina tuning Mini-SG® e coulisse SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Slide Attachments (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- English
附著體 (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® Tuning 陰模和 SG 附著體) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
EU Declaration of Conformity Class I (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Certificates
- English
Glissières (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, partie femelle de réglage Mini-SG® et glissière SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- French
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- English
Sistem Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Σύστημα Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Greek
Sustav Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Croatian
Sistema Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Dalbo®-System (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- English
Glissières (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, partie femelle de réglage Mini-SG® et glissière SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- French
Ataches (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, parte hembra tuning Mini-SG® y atache SG) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
附著體 (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® Tuning 陰模和 SG 附著體) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Korean
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Arabic
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Turkish
Système Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- French
Sistema Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Dalbo® 系统 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Polish
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- German
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- English
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Romanian
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- French
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Spanish
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Italian
Soprano® 14 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Livento® press & Soprano® 10 (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Livento® press/Soprano®
- Ceramics
- Instructions for use
- Chinese
Sistema Dalbo® (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Portuguese
CM Connect - Smarte Lösungen auf Implantaten (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- CM Connect
- Implantology
- Product information
- German
CM Connect - Des solutions intelligentespour l’implantologie (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- CM Connect
- Implantology
- Product information
- French